+08 8543 8835

Positive Behaviour Support

At CareCo Services, our team of Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners is dedicated to empowering NDIS Clients through tailored Positive Behaviour Support services. We step in when challenging behaviours arise or restrictive practices are employed, aiming to mitigate or eliminate these practices to promote participant well-being and uphold their rights. Our focus is on delivering Specialist Behaviour Support to individuals with disabilities, with the overarching goal of enhancing their quality of life.

What distinguishes us at CareCo Services is our unwavering commitment to a person-centered approach, emphasising collaboration, adaptability, and responsiveness to the unique needs of each participant. We prioritise close engagement with participants, families, and caregivers, ensuring compliance with NDIS regulations. Consistency is key, and we provide comprehensive training, education, and resources to assist participants and caregivers in effectively implementing Positive Behaviour Support Plans.

We firmly believe in understanding the underlying motivations behind behaviours and the transformative potential of a well-structured Positive Behaviour Support Plan. Such a plan can lead to improvements in communication, relationships, social engagement, and overall independence, enriching the participant’s quality of life.

Our Team

At CareCo Services, our team comprises experienced and passionate professionals committed to supporting participants in achieving their highest quality of life. Our clinical team is spread across South Australia and Victoria and excel in conducting thorough assessments, developing customised behaviour support plans, and implementing effective strategies. To continually enhance the quality of our services, our Clinical Team undergoes ongoing supervision with various allied Health Professionals and engages regularly in Professional Development Seminars and Webinars continue upskilling an progressing in the ever changing world of Specialist Behaviour Support.

Our experienced team members can support you and the person with behaviours of concern by:

  • Getting to know the person and the important people in their life.
  • Learning about the life the person would like to live.
  • Understanding what the person is communicating through their behaviour.
  • Understanding internal and external factors influencing the person’s behaviour.
  • Finding new ways to have a person’s needs met, decreasing their need to engage in the behaviour.
  • Promoting independence, improved communication, coping skills and meaningful participation.
  • Finding ways to build relationships with family, friends and staff and creating opportunities to actively increase meaningful interactions.


Our approach is firmly rooted in human rights principles and is evidence-based. We are committed to:

  • Getting acquainted with the individual and their significant others.
  • Exploring the life the individual aspires to lead.
  • Deciphering the communication embedded within their behaviours.
  • Identifying internal and external factors influencing their behaviours.
  • Developing innovative strategies to fulfill their needs, thereby diminishing the occurrence of challenging behaviours.
  • Fostering independence, enhancing communication skills, coping mechanisms, and facilitating meaningful participation.
  • Cultivating relationships with family, friends, and caregivers, creating avenues for enriched interactions.

At CareCo Services, we extend our services to individuals of school-age and above, including those with complex needs. Moreover, we collaborate with various organisations such as schools, community services, day programs, respite providers, accommodation services, and home environments. Our support is adaptable, catering to the location that best suits the individual’s needs—be it at home, school, in the community, or any other preferred setting.

If you believe that our services align with your requirements, please complete at referral form through the link below. Reach out to us to discover more about our services and how we can support individuals with behaviours of concern in achieving their goals and leading fulfilling lives.

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